Companies may now obtain the “Company Promoter of Mental Health Certificate” issued by the Federal Government
By Patricia Barboza, Maury Lobo and Amanda Costa
From now on, Companies that want to be publicly recognized as promoters of mental health will be able to obtain the “Company Promoter of Mental Health Certificate,” an innovation introduced by Law No. 14,831, of March 27, 2024.
To obtain this certificate, the Company must develop actions and policies related to the pillars of promoting mental health, employee well-being, transparency, and accountability, as detailed below:
I – Promotion of mental health
a) implementation of mental health promotion programs in the workplace
b) provision of access to psychological and psychiatric support resources for their workers
c) promotion of awareness about the importance of mental health through campaigns and training
d) promotion of awareness specifically targeted at women’s mental health
e) leadership training
f) conducting specific training addressing topics of mental health of greatest interest to workers
g) combating discrimination and harassment in all forms, and
h) regular evaluation and monitoring of implemented actions and their adjustments.
II – Employee well-being
a) promotion of a safe and healthy work environment
b) encouragement of balance between personal and professional life
c) encouragement of physical and leisure activities
d) encouragement of healthy eating
e) encouragement of healthy interaction in the workplace, and
f) encouragement of integrative communication.
III – Transparency and accountability
a) regular disclosure of actions and policies related to the promotion of mental health and well-being of its workers through the communication channels used by the company
b) maintenance of a channel for receiving suggestions and evaluations and
c) promotion of the development of goals and periodic analysis of results related to the implementation of mental health actions.
The Company Promoter of Mental Health Certificate will be granted by a Certification Committee that will be appointed in the future by the Federal Government.
The Mental Health Promoting Company Certificate will be valid for two years, and, after this period, the Company must undergo a new evaluation for its renewal. Companies holding a valid certificate are authorized to mention the certificate in their communication and promotional materials.
We will update this news as soon as there are details about the procedures for granting, reviewing, and renewing the Mental Health Promoting Company Certificate, which will be established by regulations.
This bulletin is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon to obtain legal advice on any of the topics dealt with here. For additional information, please contact the leaders of the labor team.
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